Best Motivational Speech Ever - APJ Abdul Kalam - Former President Of India

The feeling whenever I do something I feel happy you see this is you try that whatever you may have knowledge you have sometimes bettering the economy you may have better better baby sometime you can have a kind words you can have so if we use and make somebody's life happy that you are giving and his or her life is a happy that's a better best thing a human being getting off that then you'll get a card root conflict free world that's why I used to say well there is righteousness in the heart there's beauty in the cat where there is beauty in the character there is harmony in the home harmony in the home where there is harmony in the home there is order in the nation when there is order in the nation there's peace in the world this is a starting point where there's a righteousness the heart beauty in the character harmony the hope and the order in the nation peace in the world all in one of the others coming so where we start we start the righteous now remember this incident 1979 1979 slv-3 satellite launch vehicle I were the project director mission director my mission is to put the satellite in the orbit thousands of people work nearly ten years.

I reach the I reach the Surreyarakata condition the launch pad countdown was going ont-minus four minutes t-minus five minutes t-minus two one one minute-minus 40 seconds computer put a hold don't launch it computer say don't launch it I am the mission director I have to take decision everything is on behind me there are six experts they saw did a computer database coming in and screen they see the pictures the screen they said there's a problem the problem is there's a leakage in a system in the control system but immediately calculation no problem we have got sufficient fuel and oxidiser country control system is contorta rocket to the record attitude and we can go ahead now of course my experts view but I took a division problems mine right finally I took a division i bypass the computer I launched the system okay and August baseball event first state you worked in a four stage rocket and second stage got mad it went to spin instead of putting the satellite in the orbit it put in the Bay of Bengal 1979 it was a failure there's a failed first time I experienced my failure how'd he manage the failure success I can manage so at that time we have great man your great leader also sati stubborn he comes to me I'm very tired working nearly four months it makes me up calm let her go for a press conference prosperous meeting there like this number of people world press before all this and that all the gadget they are there I was really frightened I will be the culprit because I'm the project director Asian director what's at East Awad said chairman Indian Space Coast what the artist said dear friends we have failed today he is the first time. 

I have to do all the success all the failure is I want to support my technologists and scientists and staff so that next year they succeed so he took the whole range missile and then media asked you put way off then got so many crows we are putting like that lot of criticism he received a criticism he assured them in a year will succeed with our team is a very good team next year here only interesting happened next year July 18 1980 when he succeeded president said you go and conduct the press conference do you follow what it means it means when the failure occurred the leader took it up when the success came he gives to his team how did you become so great great that's a question well which class you are singing what's your dream in life singen well you know give their related terms so I personally believe you Basava dream say you must I must have a dream I must continuously acquire knowledge continuously acquire knowledge hard work hard work and perseverance one should not be a not afraid of problems we should know how to handle the not only how to handle success how to handle the failures particularly you are in the management environment return it. 

I want the young people to understand how to manage the failure because any tasks you do you have to come across problem problem should not become the captain of the individual or a project chief and the project chief should become the captain of the problems and defeat the problem at site and for a culture of excellence the reaction is not by accident it is a process where an individual continuously strives to better oneself the performance standards are set by themselves they work on their dreams with focus and are prepared to take calculated risk and do not get deterred by failures as they move towards their dreams then this type of their dreams as they tend to reach the original targets there's tried to work to their potential in the process they increase their performance there by multiplying further their potential this is an onion being life cycle phenomena culture of excellence they are not in competition with genuine arts but themselves that is a culture of excellence I'm sure each one of you will aspire to become a unique with culture of excellence she has written books you've served as president your aerospace engineer you've been a professor but you say the title you like best is the title of teacher why is that you know. 

I had I had a teacher I never say young boy ten years boy what am the second world was going on at that time I used to see in my class fifth class teacher in science teacher he say mr. subrahmanya he entered to the classroom and abused to see the radiation of knowledge from radius of knowledge from him when he enters the classroom my teacher I see a radiation of purity of life and he's the way he thought I my dream has got shaped what should be my way of life he's the person the teacher gave me the vision of my life when I was a young fellow now a teacher has got a fantastic opportunity to grow minds to enrich the minds and you the dreams to the young people and nurture the dreams with them and they would become a great human being sometime they would become better than you but better than the teacher so that happens you to have and also there's ateacher like what I am doing I am a professor. 

I can also do the research young researchers will be work with me that's a great pressure when they get the PhD history has proven history has proven that those who dare to imagine the impossible are the ones who break all the human limitations in every field of human endeavor whether science medicine sports are the technology the names of the people just know I listed some of the names the names of the people who imagine the impossible are engraved in our history by breaking the limits of the imagination by breaking their limits of their magnet the change they change the world you take CV Raman you take Newton you take angsting you take Chandra Shekar thereby breaking the limits of their imaging imagination they change the world but carefully hear me what M say I learned what did I learn from the youth of 11 million people I learnt the over youth wants to be unique paper youth watch three unique that is you the over you taught to be unique that is you but the world around around you is doing it best they might to make you just be everybody else now whether you want to be you re variants you you want to be you not everybody else now if the coach be like everybody else is convenient at the first class but not satisfying in the long vision the challenge there for my young friends is that you have to find hardest battle to fight the hardest battle which any human being can never imagine to fight and never stop fighting until you arrive at your destination at is the unique view to get to get the unique view it's a big battle the battlements you don't even take a garden the battle means you have to have four unique things for you know she must have that battle one is your to set the goal the second one is acquired the knowledge continuously and third one it's a hard work with the devotion and fourties perseverance these are the tools you have to either before the battle the video TV if you want with discoverers if you want to be innovators.

I am going to give you what type of what type of characteristic you must have the invention and discoveries have Y emanated from creative minds that have been constantly working and amazing the outcome the telephone he was amazing the outcome you making the outcome in the mind with the imaging and constantly effort all the forces of the universe worked for that inspired mind there by leading to invention discoveries see I have the feeling whenever I do something I feel happy you see this is you trying and that whatever you may have knowledge you hope sometimes better the economy may have better better maybe sometimes you have a kind words you can have so if we use and make somebody's life happy that you are giving and his or her life is a happy that's a better bet the best idea because they that then you get a car to conflict-free world that is leader should work with integrity and succeed with a better leader work with integrity and succeed in London and I believe president since you asked the question has to be continuously in touch with the people rush to the woman bare eyes I was there became a people spell and so crossed over the women it becomes people's power and also I travel into the whole state cutting across Hill deserts and see I was in touch with millions and millions of.
